Philadelphia. Hatboro was originally a farmland, rich in agriculture but after WWE2 the rural area started to grow and transform into a city like place. The fisher house is located along the top ridge of a slight hill and what makes it special is its overflowing surrounding nature. Nature continues to grow …show more content…
On top of that the water table restricts root penetrations which doesn't allow plants to grow. Furthermore, the topography of the region was different from early geological history, with mountains and a large inland sea covering a part of the region. The sea which expanded and contracted, blending the layers of vegetation resulting to the production of coal with sandstone and shale.
As mentioned earlier landscape is a complex system and has the ability of act as nature.
Landscape as nature is clearly evident in the making of the fisher house. The architect Louis
Kahn used specific cypress wood to represent the geometry of the house, despite the fact that the climate in this region would cause it to change nevertheless the architect intended it for he believed that the house should carry its scar with the passing of time and the change color of the cypress wood. It symbolizes that nothing stays the same and eventually everything ages and decays in time relative to nature which is always existing and dominant. Kahn's object was