DTTLS 2011-2012
Identify and analyse which ideologies and models are reflected in your own professional practiceI am a Teacher and Mentor in Music Technology and I work within the Further Education sector. I teach theory and practical with the emphasis on experimentalism. I am honoured to work with a diverse group of learners from a variety of different backgrounds. It is important for me as a teacher to embrace the individualism of my learners and my peers and utilize them in a professional manner.
As I come to the end of studying on the DTTLS course I have learnt many things that have helped me to continuously develop my teaching skill and become more professional in my practice. I have looked at different theories such as Minton’s (1997) Communication; Stephen Brookfield’s becoming a Critically Reflective Teaching also Humanism as mentioned in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Carl Rogers Person Centred to name just a few.
This essay will be exploring at different educational ideologies and assess how they influence the curriculum in my specialist subject. There are many ideologies that are considered when a curriculum is designed and according to Kelly (2009) it will depend on the goals set for achievement or the outcome. This …show more content…
I also think that a flexible curriculum can enhance the learning experience for both learner and teacher. Unfortunately our curriculum is government by funded which tends to lead to more target driven expectation and runs the risk of becoming more prescriptive with the emphasis on results and retention. With trends and ideologies constantly evolving and reoccurring, as a teacher I remain flexible and open minded to these theories with the intention of developing my own ideologies for professional practice in my specialist