1.1 Research Context
The overview of business environment is changing overtime. Due to increasing of excessive competition in business environment, customer preference and purchase intention are changing day by day. Now Bangladesh is more intense as competitive market in beverage industry with lot of foreign and local companies. People are being more health conscious day by day. They are becoming aware about their daily diet in which liquids play the vital role.
Availability of soft drink in our country is numerous. Everyday new types of soft drinks are being launched. The reasons behind this popularity for this soft drink show that demand is very higher in our country. Throughout the year, consumption of the soft drinks goes on. Kids to elder people everybody like soft drink; specially kids and young generation. The competition among the soft drink companies is very high. They are fighting all-time to attract customer and satisfy them in better way than their rivals. In this regard, we searched out the scope to do a marketing research. We have selected five factors or variables: Brand image, Price, Quality, Taste and Product Availability to identify based on which factor customers used to choose a particular soft drink brand. Indeed, we tried to find out which factor among these five factors is the most influential to choose a particular soft drink brand.
Brand Image:
Brand image refers to images arising in a consumer’s mind from exposure to a named brand. It refers to the impression in the consumers' mind of a brand's total personality (real and imaginary qualities and shortcomings). Consumers buy not only a product (commodity), but also the images associated with the product such as power, wealth, sophistication, and most importantly identification and association with other users of the brand. The term "brand image" gained popularity as evidence began to grow that the feelings and images associated with a brand were powerful purchase