In And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie laid out the story-line perfectly, as she was able to set up all of the characters in one location, and see how they react when a conflict is unleashed into the plot. This too allows readers to write down notes about each characters motives/behaviors. Then as the conflict grows greater, each character, thanks to Christie’s brilliant writing style, begins to become more aware that there is a problem among them. This causes them to have their personalities shine through, and it can be portrayed in their dialogue. This shows how throughout the plot of the text, Christie is able to allow the reader to examine the plot. Which helps them label each character as a hero, an anti-hero, etc. This also can be proven in the text, because at the end, in the epilogue of the novel, we learn who was behind all the conflict in the novel. The epilogue also helps clarify each of the characters actual motives in the plot. In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrahams, like Agatha Christie, also left behind key details in the movie plot. This allowed viewers, while watching, to generalize who is who, which gives them a chance to make predictions. As the movie moves along, J.J. Abrahams includes detail in each characters dialogue. This causes viewers to ether have
In And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie laid out the story-line perfectly, as she was able to set up all of the characters in one location, and see how they react when a conflict is unleashed into the plot. This too allows readers to write down notes about each characters motives/behaviors. Then as the conflict grows greater, each character, thanks to Christie’s brilliant writing style, begins to become more aware that there is a problem among them. This causes them to have their personalities shine through, and it can be portrayed in their dialogue. This shows how throughout the plot of the text, Christie is able to allow the reader to examine the plot. Which helps them label each character as a hero, an anti-hero, etc. This also can be proven in the text, because at the end, in the epilogue of the novel, we learn who was behind all the conflict in the novel. The epilogue also helps clarify each of the characters actual motives in the plot. In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrahams, like Agatha Christie, also left behind key details in the movie plot. This allowed viewers, while watching, to generalize who is who, which gives them a chance to make predictions. As the movie moves along, J.J. Abrahams includes detail in each characters dialogue. This causes viewers to ether have