By Tyler Dunivan-Scott Our feelings and emotions and our likes and dislikes give our life meaning. That which makes us happy or unhappy, fulfilled or dissatisfied to a large degree decides our course of action and our health. Diseases not only make us feel unwell, but negative and suppressed emotions and feelings are a major contributing factor in causing our diseases. Certain emotions are traditionally linked with problems in certain organ functions. Anger, for example, damages the liver and conversely, irritability and quick temper are partly caused by liver problems.
Suppressed anger is so destructive that it can lead to peptic ulcers, migraines and myriad of other health conditions when not expressed in a healthy or productive way. Anger is generally the most self-destructive emotion that you feel. This is because it’s an emotion focused on action. If you are not acting on the anger, then you are thinking about acting on the anger or hoping that someone else will act on the anger.
People who experience a lot of negative emotions and do not express these for fear of being rejected by others, have personalities that are routinely associated with heart failure, anxiety, depression and a reduced state of health. Our digestive juices are inhibited when we are upset or stressed, and asthma attacks may be triggered by fear or apprehension. The effect our emotions have over our general health is great enough that we can literally worry ourselves sick; have anger eat us alive or become invincible when we are in