Student name: Ali Khettouch
Date: 8/24/13
Assignment: Week 1 Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet
Part 1
Physical health:
Exercising is so important in my life, having a program that provides sports programs, and complete tactics to help me stay physically involved while altering to life after injury. Physical health, designed to help me boost my independence.
Social health:
Social health is the most important dimension in life. Having a good social health results in good healthiness life, good mentality and free diseases. Having a good Social health, will help me to improve on every aspect during my life, perform better under stress, and boost my self- esteem.
Intellectual health:
Having a good intellectual health means having a sense of happiness, being able to operate during everyday life, express myself in creative way, and feeling self-assured to climb to a challenge.
Environmental health:
Keeping a healthy environment is increasing worth of life and years of healthy life.
Healthy environment means good quality of life elements, such as, water, air, and nutrition. If we have a healthy environmental world, the diseases will diminish.
Emotional health:
Being healthy emotionally means feeling good about myself, relationships, and the purpose of life. Sometimes I feel angry, stressed, and confused. However, if I can manage my emotions I will be able to overcome all difficult-times faster by thinking more positively, enjoying myself, and paying attention to relaxation and stress reduction
Spiritual health:
Spiritual health is that piece of our happiness that fixes the values, the relationships, and the meaning of our lives.
Spiritual health is a healing and a remedy that cures internal vision as well as the spirit. Being spiritual healthy provides us with the capacity of loving ourselves totally and reconnects us to our talents and gifts, which helps in sensation fulfilled with our life.
Part 2
The way I will define Health and Wellness, is the capability to stay healthy. Supportive connections with other people, and by improving our social health, we will be able to make choices that lead to positive exchanges and increase agreement in our personal life.
Wellness is defined more as the action of individual takes to meet the definition of being healthy and creating the proper environment for a healthier lifestyle.
To achieve the ultimate state of health and wellness, we have to start reinforcing ourselves to start a good healthy habit by eating healthy, exercising, and organizing our lifestyle by commencing the six dimensions of health.