Thousands of animals, pets usually, are abused a day. They are often kicked, hit, abused for no reason. I think that in today’s economy animal lovers could become stressed and feel they can take their anger out on their pets just to try and feel better because they are so angry. Animal abuse is wrong. The people who do it don’t deserve to be called a human.
There are people who enjoy being cruel to animals and typically land up becoming more violent towards humans. Researchers have found that animal cruelty or abuse is a huge red flag that cold indicate someone is a serial killer or a rapist or show some form of violence. For instance, the two boys who did the Columbine School shootings there was evidence found that before the shootings they would torture and shoot dogs and cats.
Animal abuse is on the rise. The circus and the film industry both play a big part in animal abuse. In the circus they torture animals physically and mentally to train them. When an animal doesn’t do something right they use whips and punish the animals for not doing a trick correctly. They often will beat the animals until they learn to do the tricks correct. In the film industry several movies will use animals and actually kill them so that the movie seems more real.
All animals deserve the right to live and be free of any cruelty. Animal abusers aren’t facing harsh enough penalties for the abuse they commit. These people need to pay for the cruel things they do, instead they continue to live their happy lives and act like they haven’t done anything wrong. Somebody