Scientists are constantly looking for new medical advances that they hope will save people’s lives and often turn to animals as the optimal resource for testing new ideas and products. These animals range from rats and mice to dogs and monkeys. On top of varying animals, the tests they run fluctuate from simply checking the effectiveness of a medicine already in use to testing an entirely new form of treatment. However, there have beens years of controversy over the morality of using animals as the test subjects.…
There are a lot of bad things that happen in this world and Animal Testing is one of them. Doctors,Scientists and other people test on these animals everyday. In my opinion there should be no animal testing at all. It is cruel. Right now there are millions of animals sitting in cold cages waiting for their next painful procedure. The stress, sterility and boredom causes them to develop neurotic behaviors such as, biting themselves and running around in circles. Most of these animals are killed after the testing because there is no possible way for them to live after this has happened. More than 100 million animals suffer this torture. Exact numbers have not been found, in rats, mice, birds, and cold blooded animals take up about 90 percent.…
Research shows that 26 million animals have been used for testing of all different kinds. 26 million animals have been put through wringer for the sake of a human. 26 million animals have had no say, defense, or chance to save themselves. Animals are used as human experiments to see if a certain product can work or not. Animal testing is wrong on many different levels. If humans are not willing to use, test and experiment on themselves, why should one be allowed to test on an animal who has no say in what happens.…
*95% of animals used for experiments are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act, the only act governing animal testing. Laws protecting animals need to include test animals used for experiments and these laws should be more strongly enforced. In order to minimize the number of animals used for testing and make sure they are not mistreated, the laws need to make it harder for researchers to use animals, making alternatives more appealing.…
Animal testing is wrong, inhumane and disguised torture. Due to this, we are losing animals faster than we are losing humans. During our lifetime over 1 million animals would have been tested on to help find cures for diseases our communities could potentially get. Some say testing on animals is the most reliable solution for these diseases..... but is it?…
Animal Research Animal testing is bad because it can hurt the animals by cutting them, brain damage, and health issues. Our animals are important because they are our livestock and the pervoid a great environment. Animals can die from the chemicals and lose a body part. Animal testing is bad because it can hurt the animals by cutting them, brain damage, and health issues. So our animals are important because they are our livestock and the perfect environment.…
Your lipstick is to die for. Literally. Right now, millions of mice, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cages across the country waiting for the next painful and terrifying experiment to be performed on them. Before we conduct another experiment, we need to consider our treatment of others, both humans and non-humans. Animal testing is a form of animal cruelty that is no longer necessary or acceptable. There are many alternatives to animal testing that still ensure that the product is safe for humans. In addition to this, different species react differently to the same substances, so the tests aren't always accurate.…
. at they shouldn’t stop animal testing because it helped people cure and see what the illness is going to the animal’s body and try to cure it. Even though people say that animals die but that is because we don’t have other organism to test on unless if they want them to test on humans. If they tested on humans they would probably die and they would be in trouble .They would save millions of lives if it was still going if it wasn’t then more than millions would probably kick the bucket in other words they would die. Animal testing has been used for centuries and of it wasn’t for our ancestors or the greek philosopher we wouldn’t have animal testing to help us and have medicine.…
Some may think that animal testing is something that can help with finding cures for bad diseases. But the truth is that animal testing is useless and harmful to animals. It is bad because so many animals get hurt during the process. Also animals get murdered and suffer after the testing even if it works. According to Animal Testing 101 100 million animals die each year from animal testing.…
In today’s society, many people debate whether or not using animals in research is humane. An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. [2] Proponents of animal testing state that it has enabled the development of numerous life-saving treatments for both humans and animals, while opponents state that animal testing is cruel and often yields irrelevant results because animals are so different from human beings. Many different animals are used in scientific studies such as rabbits, mice, primates, dogs, cats, pigs, and cows. I believe that animal testing is beneficial because it provides opportunities to improve the lives of both humans and animals.…
A topic that has always been close to many people hearts is the one of animal testing. Some believe that it is right completely, some that it is right but only under certain circumstances and others that believe that all animal testing is wrong and will go to extraordinary lengths to stop it. There are many organisations that are against animal testing and that arrange protest marches and demonstrations against it. This is an important issue as there are so many different views and arguments for and against animal testing, and as these are animals lives at stake here.…
Animal testing is a very controversial practice, involving the testing of new substances on animals to see how safe they will be for human use. (Vasen, 2011) Research has uncovered many cures for deathly diseases through animal testing. For over 2000 years cures for diseases such as Herpes, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Malaria, Polio and other such viruses have been created, through the use of testing the chemicals on animals such as mice, rabbits, cats, dogs or monkeys. (Shandilya, 2011) Animal Testing holds much criticism, and gets much scrutiny from anti Animal-Testing groups such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and CAAT (Coalition to Abolish Animal Testing). The controversy behind animal testing is that there are so many petitions against animal testing and some people go as far as to not consume products like toothpaste or…
Each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in lab for product testing. Now a days, scientists are using animals for their research and testings, and I disagree with the use of animals. It is unfair to animals because in the end it kills them, it may not actually work on humans, and the cost of it.…
Scientists have been using animals to conduct experiments and tests since ancient times. Over the years, the practice of using animals has been under fire by animal protection and animal activist groups. Using animals for drug testing has become an important part of scientific experiments but it has also led to the deaths of millions of animals. When animal testing goes wrong, it can harm the users whom it is supposedly benefiting. The use of animal testing should be abandoned because it does not predict accurate results in human beings, it kills animals, and there are alternate testing methods that exist which do not involve the use of animals.…
Imagine being scared for your life everyday, not understanding why all day long needles are being stuck in you, or even being shoved into a small space with hundreds of other animals from the same species. People should not test on animals because animal tests are mortally wrong and inhumane, it can permanently injure, and ultimately animal testing can kill.…