
Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in lab for product testing. Now a days, scientists are using animals for their research and testings, and I disagree with the use of animals. It is unfair to animals because in the end it kills them, it may not actually work on humans, and the cost of it. I am against the use of animals for product testing for a lot of reasons. I am against using animals because I think it is cruel to animals because if it a test went wrong then then it could cause a harmless animal to die or seriously disable them. Also in animal testing, countless animals are experimented on and then killed after their use. Others are injured and will still live the remainder of their lives in captivity. Living …show more content…

So that means that some believe animal testing is unreliable. This could be because the animals are in an unnatural environment they could be under a lot of stress, causing their bodies to react differently to the drug being tested. Therefore, they won 't react to the drugs in the same way compared to their potential reaction in a natural environment. One more reason I am against the use of animals for product testing is because of the cost of it. Animal testing generally costs an enormous amount of money, as the animals must be fed, housed, cared for and treated with drugs or a similar experimental substance. On top of that, animal testing may occur more than once and over the course of months, which means that additional costs are acquired. The price of animals themselves must also be factored into the equation. There are companies who breed animals specifically for testing and animals can be purchased through them. Overall, I am against the use of animals because it is cruel to animals, it may not work, and the cost of it. Using animals for product testing is inhumane and unfair. I would never want my own pet used for product testing, nor would any one

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