
Animal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane?

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Animal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane?
It is no secret that in today's science world, animals are used for medical research. Many scientists believe that animals are a necessity to the science world, but for many years, animals have been mistreated by scientists for the “good of science”. Animal testing should not be done because it is cruel and inhumane for animals, animals are completely different from humans and therefore make poor test subjects, and animal medical testing is a waste of money for the government and taxpayers .
For instance, animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Everyday many animals are tortured and abused for medical testing. It isn’t fair to the animals to go through this. The article “Why It's Wrong To Test On Animals” by Doris Lin states why it is wrong for scientists to test on animals. “Non human animals cannot give informed consent, and
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1). It is not fair for animals to be tested on because they aren't able to communicate, to give consent. Some of the testing procedures done on animals is very dangerous. So if we wouldn't subject humans to these type of procedures, why should animals be the ones to go through it? “In the United States, the Animal Welfare Act appears to set certain minimum requirements for the humane treatment of non-human animals in laboratories and other settings, but in fact is very ineffective.” (“Why It's Wrong To Test On Animals”, par. 2 ). Additionally, the author of “Cruelty to Animals in Laboratories” also gives readers another view on the mistreatment animals faced during the medical testing. “Animals are infected with diseases that they would never normally contract, tiny mice grow tumors as large as their own bodies, kittens are purposely blinded, rats are made to suffer

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