
Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary

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Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary
An estimated twenty-six million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. Animals have been used for years to test the toxicity of medications, drugs, and chemicals. Despite the fact that people benefit from animal research, the torment, misery, and the deaths of animals are not worth the human advantages. Also, there are alternatives to animal testing so it is unnecessary to keep testing on them. Therefore, It should be illegal to use animals for research purposes and cruel experiments because it is inhumane and there are better alternatives. Animals and humans are comparable in many ways. They both think, feel, and encounter pain. Animals should be treated with the same respect as people. Although, animal testing has contributed to many life saving cures and treatments, the animals' rights are disregarded when they are utilized as a part of research since they are not given a decision. They are subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, physical restraint, and tests that are excruciating, cause lasting harm, or death, and they are never given the choice of not partaking in the experiment. Animals that do survive these experiments are euthanized afterwards. Animal experimentation is ethically wrong, regardless of how many people benefit from it. …show more content…
Experimenting on animals is expensive and isn’t always accurate. There are many non-animal experimental methods that are inexpensive and take less time to complete. Some of these new experiments evaluate the growth of human cells and tissues in a lab to try and mimic organs and organ systems. These duplicated human cells can be utilized rather than animals in drug, disease, cosmetic, and toxicity testing. These experiments have been shown to mimic human physiology, infections, and medication reactions more precisely than unrefined animal tests

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