
Why We Shouldn T Animal Testing Be Allowed

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Why We Shouldn T Animal Testing Be Allowed
So many animals get tortured when they get tested with human products. The products could damage the animal in some way. People don’t know what happens in the labs. Animal testing should not be allowed because it hurts the animals. Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside a cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. All they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. This should not be allowed in this world. Animal testing is when scientists test human products on animals. In most labs, the scientist torture the animals. Most animals are put in cages. Humans mistreat them while they use them for experiments. Animals should not be treated that way. …show more content…
More than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, and chemical, drug food and cosmetic testing. Some animals are forced to inhale toxins, some have holes drilled in their heads, and others have their hair burned off. They do not get fed, they are just left in the cage for the rest of the time till they get used for the experiment. Dogs are commonly used for experiments. The handlers take out the dog’s vocal cords do, they don’t disturb the lab workers. Would you like it if someone ripped your vocal cords out so they could irrelevant experiments on you? The biggest question is, are the animals hurt during the testing? the answer is, yes endure chemicals being dripped into their eyes or injected into their bodies. Sometimes scientist forces the chemicals up their nostrils. They also force it down their throats. The testers give animals pills that will eventually kill the animal or make it’s fur fall off. They go through so much pain, it hurts

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