
Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary

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Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary
Everyone loves their pets. Somewhere in a lab there is a dog being abused and tested on right now; this dog is scared and suffering the physical torture of animal research. Millions of animals are being killed everyday to test the products many people use and the treatments that are too dangerous for humans. In the end, a multi-million dollar company is adding a great new medicine, snack, or mascara to their line, but how many rabbits were blinded, cats were poisoned, or monkeys diseased before it was great? Animal research and testing is harmful and unnecessary because many animals die from experimentation due to the lack of laws and rights governing animal research nor does most of the research benefit humans.
Cosmetic research is unnecessary. Humans are a lot different than animals, two completely different species. The only thing animals and humans have in common is the feeling of sadness and loneliness, both suffer and feel pain, and both desire to live. Despite the wide variety of non-animal tested cosmetic products;
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Researchers have no laws to govern what they do to the animals so people will feel free to do as much harm as they like, there is nothing stopping animal researchers from doing lethal experiments on animals. There are not any laws or rights to protect animals in scientific research. There are none to help these animals being used in deadly procedures or experiments. There are only a few leisure rules to regulate food and water, cleanliness, and cage size. Birds, rats, and cold-blooded animals are excluded and unprotected from any of these rules(FAQS about Animal Testing). No one is doing anything about this and the results are "over one million animals are crippled, and abused in U.S labs every year"(Animal Testing). Many animals are harmed in these science labs and the few animals that are protected are still not

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