
Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

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Why Is Animal Testing Wrong
Even though some people think we need animal testing for our protection, is animal testing right or wrong because we don’t need to kill animals they have feelings too and in my opinion animal testing is wrong.
What is animal testing? The term “animal testing” it applies to procedures done on living breathing heart beating creatures for intentions of research into simple biology and diseases, assessing the effectiveness of new medicinal products. The human health or ecological safety of clientele and industry products such as cosmetics, household cleaners, and etc. All proceedings, even the ones classified as “mild”, have the ability to cause the animals not just physical but mentally distress and suffering. Mostly nine out of ten animals get
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Technology and science has moved faster than it’s ever been research protocols however, and so there’s no reason to experiment on animals. Now we know most of the chemical properties of most substances, powerful computers also allow us to predict the outcome of chemical interactions. Animal research by its very nature necessitates harm to the animals. Even if animals aren’t made to suffer as part of the experiment, the vast majority of the animals that are used, must be put down at the conclusion of the experiment. Tests that use animals to assess the safety of cosmetics and personal care products such as lipstick, mascara, shampoo, and cologne are still extremely common in the United States. It's estimated that thousands of mice, guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits suffer and die in these tests every year in the U.S. alone. Each ingredient in a cosmetic or personal care product that needs to be tested can be run through the tests listed below. Pain relief is rarely provided and the animals used are always killed at the end of each test. Skin sensitization the use thirty two guinea pigs or sixteen mice they apply the test substance on the surface of the skin or …show more content…
Us as humans have liberty freedom justice, choice etc. animals also have the right to live why should they be tested on they never did nothing to you god made them for a reason but not to be tested on. Is it right to take the freedom of an animal just because you want to research? No it’s not right to make them suffer for us or kill them. Animals have emotions. They have thoughts feelings ideas just like a human being they also suffer and feel pain. What did they do to us is it really necessary to kill a monkey to have new mascara or to kill thousands of rabbits for new lipstick. During the research process animals are harmed and killed every day, isn’t killing an animal the same as murder and if it isn’t it should

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