Prostitution is bound to have consequences. It has always been associated with illegal and immoral activities. It deprives women from their rights. How would women be treated with honor and respect if they work as prostitutes? Prostitution abuses women, some are tricked into entering the job. Women are treated poorly, they lose their dignity and self respect trying to earn from prostitution. Is that how we want Filipino women to end up like? To be thought of as vulnerable? Prostitution promotes human trafficking. In 2009 the United Nations declared that 79% of human trafficking cases are for prostitution. Aside from that it also promotes sexual slavery, exploitation, pedophilia, drug dealing and illegal immigration. In 2005, GABRIELA assessed that there are about 400,000 prostitutes in the Philippines including males, transvestites, females and children. (Sabundayo, 2005) First prostitution affects women, now children too? What kind of heartless people would tolerate the fact that innocent young children are being
Prostitution is bound to have consequences. It has always been associated with illegal and immoral activities. It deprives women from their rights. How would women be treated with honor and respect if they work as prostitutes? Prostitution abuses women, some are tricked into entering the job. Women are treated poorly, they lose their dignity and self respect trying to earn from prostitution. Is that how we want Filipino women to end up like? To be thought of as vulnerable? Prostitution promotes human trafficking. In 2009 the United Nations declared that 79% of human trafficking cases are for prostitution. Aside from that it also promotes sexual slavery, exploitation, pedophilia, drug dealing and illegal immigration. In 2005, GABRIELA assessed that there are about 400,000 prostitutes in the Philippines including males, transvestites, females and children. (Sabundayo, 2005) First prostitution affects women, now children too? What kind of heartless people would tolerate the fact that innocent young children are being