This argument emphasizes how for a concept or theory to be true, it must also be possible to prove that it is false. Believer's in God accept God's existence as a universal truth not subject to falsification, thus for Flew this premise alone disproves the possibility of God' existence. In purely logical terms related to the parable, if one proposes that if there is a garden, then there must be a gardener, then it must also be true that if there is no gardener, then there is no garden. This is referred to as the contrapositive; Flew (1955) regards this as being "equivalent to the denial of the negation of that assertion." Without being able to provide concrete physical evidence for the presence of a gardener, then one must logically conclude that there is no gardener and the original assertion (that there is a gardener because there is a garden) is false. Thus without a possibility of being proven false it is not open to falsification and this leads to Flew's argument that the existence of God is an invalid concept, as it cannot be
This argument emphasizes how for a concept or theory to be true, it must also be possible to prove that it is false. Believer's in God accept God's existence as a universal truth not subject to falsification, thus for Flew this premise alone disproves the possibility of God' existence. In purely logical terms related to the parable, if one proposes that if there is a garden, then there must be a gardener, then it must also be true that if there is no gardener, then there is no garden. This is referred to as the contrapositive; Flew (1955) regards this as being "equivalent to the denial of the negation of that assertion." Without being able to provide concrete physical evidence for the presence of a gardener, then one must logically conclude that there is no gardener and the original assertion (that there is a gardener because there is a garden) is false. Thus without a possibility of being proven false it is not open to falsification and this leads to Flew's argument that the existence of God is an invalid concept, as it cannot be