Antwone Fisher Activity
The movie The Antwone Fisher Story deals with the life of a young African-American man who suffered a troubled upbringing and his struggle as an adult to cope with what he went through. Since he was a victim of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse in his childhood by foster caretakers, it is safe to say he suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, seen through his recurring flashbacks of the abuse; his violent outbursts as a way to cope with his tragic life, and low self-esteem due to not ever received words of encouragement from his caretakers. These behaviors are clearly abnormal because they are not what a typical young adult would show. Because Antwone Fisher did not meet his parents, grew up with violent foster caretakers, and never received support from anyone who cared for him, he was not able to develop coping skills necessary to confront life’s struggles. He definitely acted impulsively when he felt attacked by others who belittled him, through his anger outbursts. Despite the many attacks he suffered he only acted on them, when he felt he could not take it anymore; after having bottled them up inside.
In regards to the therapy he received to overcome his behaviors, the film demonstrates the ideas of resilience, the ability to rebound from dangerous practices and high-risk situations for psychological and social maladjustment. It also presents psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Fisher suffered sexual abuse by a babysitter in a foster home. There are various factors that lead to his terrible temper against the world and sexual abuse is one of them. Therefore, as angry as he was, he managed to keep it all in his heart without sharing it with anyone. Fisher showed qualities of reliance through refusing to participate in criminal acts and violence that would have been so easy to him, specifically after being at reform school. Instead he decided to join the Navy. Fisher was also enabled to gain courage by