P.1 Neuman AP Euro
Ch.9/10 Review Questions
Kagan Western Heritage 8th edition Chapter 9 (1300-1527) 1. What were the underlying and precipitating causes of the Hundred Years’ War? What advantages did each side have? Why were the French able to drive the English almost entirely out of France?
The first underlying and precipitating cause of the Hundred Years’ War was that England and France were too closely proximate emergent territorial powers. Another cause of the Hundred Years’ War was that Edward III of England was a vassal of Philip the Fair of France, and therefore held several sizeable French territories as fiefs. Also one of the underlying and precipitating causes of the Hundred Years’ was the quarrel between the French and the English for the fief of Flanders.
The advantages of the English were; * France’s struggle to become a centralized “modern state” from a fragmented feudal society. * France borrowing from Italian bankers in order the fund the war, which created many internal conflicts. * Military superiority over the French * Frances’s mediocre royal leadership
The advantages of the French were; * Three times the population of the English * France was wealthier then England * The French also fought on their soil.
The French were able to drive the English almost entirely out of France because of the Peace of Bretigny. 2. What were the causes of the Black Death, and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe? Where was it most virulent? What were its effects on European society? How important do you think disease is in changing the course of history?
The causes of the Black Death were the decades of overpopulation, economic depression, famine, and bad health that Europe suffered. The reason it spread so quickly is because no one’s immune systems were prepared for a plague. And everyone was filthy because everyone bathed once a year. So if one trader got it from Verona, and came back