Migration-movement from one place to another: the act or process of moving from one region or country to another
-Explain the effects migrations have had on both geography and history
Migration has changed and formed history in many ways, for example the U.S was formed by refugees and by people looking for a better life. The U.S is its ow n country and has formed its own culture and history. We Americans have changed many countries with our interventions, and our helping hand.
-Understand that migration occurs at different scales
Migration occurs at different scales with long term migration for a permanent life, for forced migrants either political or religious. Professional to start a new life or to invest. Labor migrants for permanent employment somewhere else. Migration can also occur at a lower scale at the temporary level. Labor, professional or student and scholar reasons. For example the Puritans were a fairly small population compared to massive amount in the 40s that the U.S experienced.
-Explain why people change their residential location
People could change their residential location for business, forced, or for choice.
-Analyze migrations in terms of classifications (forced, voluntary, imposed) and types
Forced- The people migrating could have been in a bad political situation and had to relocate for fear of death or persecution. The migrant could have been a slave.
Voluntary- The migrant just chose to, maybe for a new life or to for a job.
Imposed- The person was forced to move for financial reasons or just something that wasn’t necessary was just for the better.
-Explain the decision to migrate in terms of push and pull factors
Push and pull factors are what people look at to decide whether migrating is a good choice or not. For example refugees usually look for better situations usually a safe place, this is a push factor, but this refugee might look and see that he is going to die for religious reasons and that’s a