General Guidelines
Style must be Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New.
Font size is 12-point.
Page Headers
Identify each page with the page number placed in the header at the right margin.
Use a running head at the left margin of the header if your instructor requires it or if you are a doctoral student.
Use the header feature in Microsoft® Word to set the page number and to add the running head if one is included.
If the running head is not used, a shortened version of the title should be included in the header.
Title Page
The title is in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered between the left and right margins, and positioned on the upper half of the page. Center the following elements on the page in this order:
Title of paper in mixed uppercase and lowercase letters
Your first and last name without including academic or license information, such as BSN or RN
Course abbreviation and number
Due date, including the month, day, and year
Instructor’s name
Main Body of the Text
All margins must be 1 inch, per University of Phoenix Writing and Style Guidelines.
Page Numbers
Page numbers must be 1 inch from the right edge, between top edge and first line of text on all pages.
Use only for University of Phoenix papers if required by the assignment. When assigned, use guidelines in the Sample Paper.
Title of Paper
Begin the text of the paper by repeating the title from your title page. The title should be centered but not bolded.
Headings indicate the organization of the paper and establish importance. Match headings to the complexity of the paper. Use at least Level 1 headings to organize the paper. The title of paper, which is centered on the first page, is not considered a separate heading level. If the paper requires two headings, use Levels 1 and 2. If three headings are required, use Levels 1, 2, and 3.
Use flush-left style, leaving the right margin