
APA Paper Template 300 499 V4

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APA Paper Template 300 499 V4
Role of Special Interest Groups Paper
Quonika Lester
December 15, 2014
Alexa Nolle
Role of Special Interest Groups Paper
Guns have been a major issue in America for a very long time. In 1924, Presidential Candidate, Robert La Follete said, “our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.” Carrying a gun can be dangerous to the public safety if many rules are not followed to insure the guns are used for protection only. Maj. Nidal Hasan shot and killed 13, wounding 32 others in a 2009 rampage at Fort Hood, the military reservation located in Killeen, Texas and 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members of the Sandy Creek Elementary School located in Newtown, Connecticut. Both males had a history of mental illness and the deaths and injuries could possibly have avoided if the gun control regulations were stricter or included a provision for restricting access to guns by persons with a history of mental illness.
Public Safety
Mental illness and childhood bullying has been a leading causes for many of the shooting across the world. Public safety was the key to the debate in Connecticut after the tragic shooting of the Sandy Creek students and staff to demand stricter, more sensible gun laws. The primary goal is to protect the children and prevent additional massacres. President Obama wants to ban almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities. This will lead to the closure of a 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program. The weapons used in the Columbine shutting were military grade weapons. The ban by President Obama is solely to keep military grade fire arms off the streets. The weapon used in the Sandy Creek Elementary School was a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S rifle. According to …. "There is so much ample evidence of the inability of the civilian world to control these weapons, that is no longer reasonable to entrust them to for

References: De Avila, J. (2014, January 15). Sandy Hook Families File Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturer; Adam Lanza Shot and Killed 20 School Children and Six Staff Members in December 2012. Wall Street Journal (Online). Retrieved from

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