There have been many times in human history were empires have crumbled because they lost their way. Whether it is because of corruption in politics, ideological views or religion, society has had its’ share of setbacks. Over time, new civilizations have sprung up out of the ashes of old ones, and sometimes these new civilizations are all the better for it. Today’s society has made the same mistakes, which has cause us to lose our way, and the only way we can truly regain it is to live outside our default setting and show empathy toward others.…
Can cosmopolitanism a vision that explicates on how everyone should belong to the same community and share a common ground among mankind, become societies new reality? When integrating Yoshino’s idea of “the new civil rights” form his preface “Covering: The hidden assault on our civil rights”, Appiah idea of initiating conversation with other people to reach some sort of mutual understanding with those who are different from ourselves, can lead to the commemoration of cultural differences compared to the persecuting of those who we consider different. To initiate new civil rights, we must first become acquainted with our fellow inhabitant, therefore understanding the importance of cosmopolitanism in the first place.…
Therefore people need to start with themselves because young children may develop a good sense of belonging to their local community and will understand and respect different cultures.…
which we see the world around us and what it represents. “Do to others as you would…
Neulip, James W. Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.…
The acceleration of globalization has raised issues culture conformity and diversity throughout the world. These topics are argued drastically throughout the world. Apparently, issues relate to cultures will not simply defined by right or wrong because each coins have two sides and every culture have their own advantages and drawbacks. True, many people may claim that globalization has made this world smaller and the distinctions between nations or cultures are disappearing. But personally, I hold positive opinions about the cultural developments nowadays.…
The whole story led me to think about the importance of how to understand and appreciate other’s perspective. According to the Ainslie’s story and my own happening, it is significant to value and respect the cultural differences of others. In addition, treat people equally without assumption…
It is by giving back to the community that raised us that we truly understand that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. I loved the Ethiopian community I lived in and I was always the first to give back to the community, given the chance. But the community I grew up in wasn’t the best in the slightest. It was filled with sick, homeless people on the streets waiting for death to do them apart. It was a havoc of garbage that resulted from accumulated littering; it is to be said that the people in the community didn’t care at all about the environment they were living in.…
The point of Appiah's essay is to explain the topic of cosmopolitanism is today's society. Basically, Appiah explains someone who is a cosmopolitan as "a citizen of the world"; it is also "our responsibility to exchange ideas about what is right and wrong in the world." We must also realize that we are responsible for other people in the world, and that every person has a different positive contribution that they can make to the "whole." He uses words, such as "shared humanity," to show that while humans may be spread all over the globe and live different lives, there are also many things that we share in common about everyday life. However, problems are caused when people cannot tolerate others or aren't open to diversity. There are also people who believe that in order to work together with another person, that person must "be like them." Overall, as long as we can work against the negatives, Appiah thinks that cosmopolitanism will be a very important factor in any successful community. The point of Appiah's essay is to explain the topic of cosmopolitanism is today's society. Basically, Appiah explains someone who is a cosmopolitan as "a citizen of the world"; it is also "our responsibility to exchange ideas about what is right and wrong in the world." We must also realize that we are responsible for other people in the world, and that every person has a different positive contribution that they can make to the "whole." He uses words, such as "shared humanity," to show that while humans may be spread all over the globe and live different lives, there are also many things that we share in common about everyday life. However, problems are caused when people cannot tolerate others or aren't open to diversity. There are also people who believe that in order to work together with another person, that person must "be like them." Overall, as long as we can work against the negatives, Appiah thinks that cosmopolitanism will be a very important factor in any…
The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world- market given a cosmopolitan character to…
First, Communication is key with success, however because of the internet age the ability to communicate face to face is dwindling.“Making Conversation” by Appiah is an idea on the expression cosmopolitanism and the feeling people in any nation have to take in order to achieve cosmopolitanism and globalization. Appiah wants to be citizen in the world not to separate by culture because people can learn each other different culture from other countries. Appiah said “One is the idea that we have obligations to others, obligations to others, obligations that stretch beyond those to whom we are related by the ties of kith and kind, or even the more formal ties of shared citizenship. The other is that we take seriously the value not just of human life but of particular human lives, which means taking an interest in the practices and beliefs that lend them significance”…
It’s about taking the initiative to understand others, being comfortable and confident in whom I am while supporting and asking questions in order to gain knowledge about others.…
ASSIGNMENT: Achieving competence as an interpersonal communicator in a diverse society is necessary to your personal and professional success. One way to enhance our understanding of interpersonal communication as a relationship-building activity is to engage in first hand dialogue with people from cultures other than your own. This assignment gives you the opportunity to engage in the dual perspective honoring the perspective of the person with whom you are communicating as well as honoring your own perspective. You are also able to contrast your worldview with the perspective of someone with a different life experience than your own. This assignment will give you the opportunity to learn about culture and interpersonal communication by engaging in dialogue with people from cultures other than your own, most likely with different life experiences than yours.…
Intercultural and interpersonal communication is a facet of everyday life. These components are important when we consider the role they play in global communication and the business world as a whole. For example, consider a business transaction between individuals from two distinct countries such as Colombia and China; each individual needs to understand the other culture in order to facilitate effective and respectful communication. As Geert Hofstede (2001) explained, culture is comprised of power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty…
People coming from different countries may not find comfort in communicating or coordinating easily with one another. When people from different countries come together, their way of thinking varies. Some might be shy to communicate, while others open for communication. Owing to the difference in their cultural backgrounds, there is a difference in their upbringing, due to which there's a difference in their views and beliefs. Even the communication etiquette differs across the different countries, thus making it difficult for communication to even start.…