Question 1.1
A business plan is a way for a company to make known how they foresee themselves making revenue and ultimately profit from their operations and was described to be the “stories how the enterprises work,” by Joan Magretta. An accurate definition of a business model would be, “the chosen system of inputs, business activities, outputs and outcomes that aims to create value over the short, medium and long term,” with the aim of the model being to convey the business’ strategy. The model sets out the enterprise’s expectations of key resources, key activities, their value propositions, planned customer relationships and channels as well as the targeted customer segments, cost structures and revenue streams, it is an integral …show more content…
Question 2.1
Apple & Onion provide a service to the Stellenbosch community, that being providing accommodation on the Stellenbosch University’s campus for students. Thus the leasing of rooms would be one of the key outputs of the entity.
Although the entity uses natural capital that is not considered to be entirely sustainable, such as water and electricity to name a few, they provide a sustainable service due to the fact that there are no lasting negative effects on the environment from the leasing of rooms besides the initial building of the houses on the land. Thereafter gardens are planted, and maintained, as well as trees around all of the owned property, for shade as well as to uplift the land, which increases the worth of the entity’s portfolio and will also help the …show more content…
Stakeholder engagement is the process of building a positive relationship with all of the company’s stakeholders, those being the neighbours, shareholders, the suppliers to the entity, the employees, the tenants (customer) as well as the government are all considered to be stakeholders of Apple & Onion. The engagement encourages sharing or vital information amongst each other, participation from the stakeholder in various activities of the companies; this would also allow stakeholders to share their views, critiques as well as complements for the entity, whilst also allowing the enterprise to review them and respond to them