include a description of the main types of microorganisms, how they are identified, their growth…
Bacteria are organisms that are extremely copious upon this planet. They are tiny and most are single celled organisms that can survive in just about any environment. Anywhere from plants to the human body is where these organisms can be discovered. Some of the strangest places that support bacterial life include places that have extremes of temperature. These bacteria are also very strange, much different from bacteria found living in and around humans. For example bacteria that live in extreme cold, like the North Pole, use methane as their substrates; and the ones that live in the deep sea use hydrogen sulphide. While most bacteria can live without oxygen (anaerobic bacteria) or whether they are aerobic bacteria that require oxygen. These particular bacteria use carbon-based sugars as main energy source. Even with so much diversity among bacteria, the most interesting part is how they communicate. Cell communication is a central mechanism in bacteria cells because it provides examples of parasitism relationship among different organisms such as S. aureus. It gives a means to control infections through a complex mechanism which is found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This touches on some variety of processes, including genetic transfer, antibiotic production growth and pathogenesis.…
* Bacteria are unicellular, prolcaryotic microorganism found almost in all kinds of habits. Some bacteria are beneficial like those involved in nitrogen fixation and some pathogenic, which causes diseases.…
Microbes, despite being the most abundant organisms on Earth, were relatively inconspicuous to humans until the 17th century. These life forms have evolved their mechanisms of growth and survival in order to face the harsh conditions of the planet. While it often seems like two types of microbes, viruses and bacteria, have only impacted human life by increasing the fatality rate, Dorothy H. Crawford’s book, Deadly Companions, refutes this claim. Crawford argues that there are more important effects involved with microbial presence, as they have thrived during specific stages of human cultural history and have had a major impact on previous generations that have become lasting developments. More specifically, microbes have forced humans, the…
Dissecting set was prepared and soaks it in a beaker that contains 70% alcohol. Took a cockle and put it in a dissecting tray. The alcohol was sprayed on the cockle surface. The cockle was opened by using knife. A little tissue was taken from the meat by using inoculation loop. The streak was made on the TSA…
1. Describe how applied microbiology is used to improve aspects of life and the environment.…
In this experiment that we performed, there were many methods that were used to help us manipulate and identify the bacteria E.coli on a MacConkey agar plate. The first part of the experiment involved the methods of manipulating, identifying and counting the bacteria and the second part was to find out whether the bacteria E.coli was the only type found in the given area by gram staining.…
The most important fact that should come out of microbiology is the “profound influence” that microorganisms have on the aspects of earth (Cowan, 2012).…
We live in a world full of bacteria, in fact, bacteria is all around us. They are tiny, one celled creatures that get nutrients from their environments in order to live. In some cases that environment is a human body. But not all bacteria are bad. Some bacteria are good for our bodies; they help keep belongings in balance. Good bacteria live in our intestines and help us use the nutrients in the food we eat and make waste from what is left over. We could not make the most of a healthy meal without these important helpful germs! Scientists in labs produce medicines and vaccines, which also use some bacteria. The novel Good Germs Bad Germs, by Jessica Snyder Sachs, gives an insight look into a future in which antibiotics will be designed and used more wisely, and beyond that, to a day when we may replace antibacterial drugs and cleansers with bacterial ones (each custom-designed for maximum health benefits).…
Vocabulary: Bacterial pollution- Bacteria play a vital role in processes such as decomposition and digestion.…
Binary Fission: The process by which all bacteria reproduce. It results in the separation of a single cell into two.…
This template directs you to portions of the course text, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Creswell, 2008). Each table includes chapter numbers and page numbers to guide you to the most relevant sections of the text book.…
Microbiology is a field of science which typically is divided into several areas such as: bacteriology, virology, parasitology and immunology. The goal of microbiology is to increase the specific knowledge of a known microorganism and by extension counter the spread of harmful microorganisms and to learn practical applications of research results. A microbiologist studies the structure, metabolism, genetics and ecology of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or algae. A microbiologist also studies in the relationships of these organisms among themselves and how they coincide with their environment during the time in which he is studying them he is also taking notes on the ways that certain organism react because the specific reactions could benefit our every day lives or even help to fight other harmful microorganisms or diseases. Most microbiologists enjoy biology and enjoy working in a concrete way with precision instruments to avoid contaminating their studies. A microbiologist's main job is studying bacteria's nature and characteristics by classifying and isolating the bacteria cultures to make a chemical and biological analysis of the behavior. He must also prepare reports, publish the results, and possibly even observe the work of a team that is participating in scientific meetings.…
famous and familiar ones such as Pavlov’s dog or Jenner’s cowpox vaccine, but perhaps the…
An organism or virus too small to be seen without a microscope. (Smaller than 0.5 mm)…