On March 26, 1998 letter from the DKF (Dansk Kiropractor-Forening - Danish Chiropractic Association), following public complaints from patients receiving homeopathic care and/or AK instead of standard (DKF defined) chiropractic care, the DKF has determined that applied kinesiology is not a form of chiropractic care and must not be presented to the public as such. Chiropractors may not infer or imply that the Danish chiropractic profession endorses AK to be legitimate or effective, nor may the word/title chiropractic/chiropractor be used or associated with the practice of …show more content…
As an aspiring physician I cannot understand why I would offer medical treatment to a patient, in which is not beneficiary. On the other hand, maybe money is the grand problem, and is why AK is practiced; the patient is never cured and keeps coming back for help. Sad to say this is a legal scam in my country.
Class Opinion
Medical Ethics class was out of the ordinary. It was an easy going class, but at the same time opened my eyes to many different issues that go on in my country and how the medical system works. This class gave me the chance to become familiar with rules and regulations of the medical field, which I believe is extremely important for our future as physicians in the U.S. if we want to practice there. This shows that even though it was not an ordinary class, with exams, and professor’s sense of humor, I can honestly state that we learned a whole lot.