Aqualisa is a British Shower Making firm in U.K. In May 2001 the company launched a innovative product, “Quartz” after investing 3 years of research and €5.8 Million. The Product, though, as per the MD, was leaps and bounds ahead of competition, the sales was simply not picking up.
Value Proposition to the Customers
• Quicker delivery
• Remote location of the processers and mixers
• Remote controls for operation
• Lesser Excavations
Value Proposition to the Plumbers
• Quick Installation time, less turn over time and more business opportunities
• Easy Maintenance
Why Quartz Shower not selling
1. Resistance from the Plumbers towards Innovation.
2. Poor sales promotion ( only 10% time spent on developing new customers)
Quartz is definitely worth the investment. It poses great opportunities for sophistication in bath accessories and also extends to other sanitary systems. The scope with the electronics and computers are simply enormous.
Marketing Plan and Recommendations
Target Customers
Aqualisa must target the plumbers. The figures show up that plumbers directly or indirectly influence the sales by an astounding 73% (Refer Exhibit 4). Hence no way Aqualisa can ignore the power of Plumbers.
Ways to Improve Plumber Loyalty
Despite the fact that there are around 10,000 master plumbers in UK, there is a growing demand for skilled plumbers.
Aqualisa should organize educational campaigns merged with training campaigns for the plumbers to create awareness on Quartz and the value it poses to them. According to the figures it gives them 3 times more business opportunities.
On Long term, Aqualisa must now involve Plumber training institutes as collaborators, sponsor plumber training programs. Provide scholarships to plumbers and create a great deal of loyal plumbers.
Aqualisa must now concentrate on improving the sales force strength. Only 10% of the time is spent on developing new