Aquarius is a new isotonic sports drink launched in Asia at the year 2012 by The Coca-Cola Company. Aquarius was introduced in Japan in year 1983 as a grapefruit flavored sports drink as a response to compete for market share with other isotonic sports drinks such as Pocari Sweat,H2O and 100plus.Aquarius was also the official sports drink for Olympics game in Barcelona in 1992 and 2012.As it’s a new launch product in Asia, there’s a need to create awareness to enable consumer to know and have a better understanding about this product. Aquarius is not only an isotonic drink that is able to replenish health but also contains various minerals such as Potassium, vitamins B3, B12, B6 and Guarana.
Target Audience
With the knowledge of psychographic characteristics is used to describe and identify customers and prospective customers and to aid in developing strategies designed to appeal to specific segments of the market for Aquarius. Aquarius is created to target sports and health cautious consumers as there is a raise in health awareness as people are leading in a more health cautious behavior. Exercise had become a more regular routine and Aquarius is the right isotonic drink to replenish and crunch thirst after a good workout.
Thoughts and Feelings
Consumers are able to trust Aquarius as it is a product from a reputational beverage company The Coca-Cola. The Coca-Cola had been a leading beverage brand in the market; with a good history background it created trust in its products. Aquarius is an official isotonic drink for Olympics 1992 and 2012. With such a massive event and being the official drink had proven its value and gain trust in the market. Well known athletic had consume Aquarius during the game had given it trust on the brand.
Objectives and Measures
The objective of Aquarius is to become the leading isotonic drink in the market.
Measures can be achieved by conducting personal interviews, focus group interviews or
Bibliography: The Coca Cola Company, 2012,[Online],available: view on [13 November 2012] Rtbot,2012,[Online],available: view on [13 November 2012] Conteneo,2012,[Online],available: view on [13 November 2012]