Phase 3 Assignment
Individual Essay
Scientific Management and Human Relations Theory
Lecturers :
Ms.Nguyen Thu Thuy (Assoc.Prof.Dr)
Mr.Hoang Anh Duy (MBA)
Student name: Duong Viet Hoang
Class: FB5B
Student ID: 1205012124
Hanoi, March 2014
Table of content
I. Introduction
1. Scientific management
I.1 Definition
I.2 Father of scientific management
I.3 Over view of scientific management
I.4 Objectives
I.5 Theories of Taylor
I.6 Other theorist about scientific management
I.6.1 Frank and Lillian Gibreth
I.6.2 Henry Grantt
I.7 Pros and cons of scientific management
I.7.1 Pros
I.7.2 Cons
2. Human relation approach
2.1 Definition
2.2 Father of human relation approach
2.3 Over view of human relation approach
2.4 Objectives
2.5 Theories of Elton Mayo
2.6 Other theorist about human relation approach 2.6.1 Maslow( Hierachy of needs) 2.6.2 Hezberg ( 2 factors) 2.6.3 Mc Clelland ( 3 needs) 2.6.4 Mc Gregor ( theory X and theory Y)
2.7 Pros and cons of human relation approach 3. Organization 3.1 Definition 3.2 Characteristics of Organization 3.3 Type of organization 3.4 Organization is an open system 3.5 Modern organization and traditional organization 3.5.1 Traditional organization 3.5.2 Modern organization 3.5.3 Compare traditional and modern organization
III. Scientific management and Human relation approach in organization
1. Scientific management in modern organization
2. Human relation approach in modern organization
IV. Conclusion
List of references
I. Introduction
Maximizing efficiency, reducing costs and increasing profits are facts which will be always of high interest for companies. In the course of development of