Ashford 3: - Week 2 – Assignment
PHI 103
Informal Logic (ACL1334A)
Prof. James Marvel
Student: David W. Barnes
21 September 2013
I. Introduction
I.A. Watching someone dying
I.A.1. Reasons for seeking
I.A.2. Legality
I.A.3. Free vs. manipulated will
I.A.4. Care for terminally ill patients
I.A.5. Dignity in Dying
I.A.6. Terminally ill suffer
II. Body
II.A. Right to Die
II.B. Patient Suffering at End of Life
II.C. Slippery Slope to Legalized Murder
II.D. Religious Concerns
II.E. Healthcare Spending Implications
II.F. End of Life Care
II.G. Compassion and Choices
II.H. Attitude of healthcare professional
II.I. Conflict of interest
II.J. Improvement in end of life decision making.
II.K. Passive Euthanasia
II.L. Active Euthanasia
III. Counter-Argument
III.A. Right to Die
IV. Conclusion
Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
I’m at the age in my life where I have seen my family members suffer with extreme pain from a terminal debilitating illness. I know they would prefer death at this point rather than life. My mother who died of cancer, talked about dying and would have liked to stop the suffering, but she elected to deal with the excruciating pain. Or do you not know that your body is a temple or the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from GOD? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify GOD in your body. (1 Corinthians 6; 19-20, Bible) I am not for and opposed to the legalization of voluntary euthanasia for terminally ill patients as administered by physicians. If you have the strength to administer a drug to your body when close to death, I’m opposed to involuntary euthanasia also. I love and have the upmost respect for dignity in dying, and I wish that our Continuations laws and GOD’s laws would let us have control over our last dying wishes, but that is not possible. Our physicians take an
References: Mosser, K. (2011). An introduction to logic. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. 1 Corinthians 6; 19-20, Bible Whipple JK, Lewis KS, Quebbeman EJ, et al. Analysis of pain management in critically ill patients. Pharmacotherapy. 1995;15:592-599.