The president met with most of the families behind closed doors, I said most because there was one family that decided to turn down the president because of his position on gun control laws “On principle, I find that I am in disagreement with his policies on gun control, and therefore, we will not be attending the visit," Stacy Bolan, mother of one of the Umpqua shooting survivors.
Moreover she is not the only one irritated because of the President’s visit. Many protesters organized in town ahead of Obama’s arrival. Some protesters were armed and said they objected the President’s democratic agenda. "He's here for a gun grabbing agenda," said one protester. Some said Obama was not welcome because of his politicized comments on firearms regulations after the horrendous tragedy.
The situation got so heated that, local Roseburg officials had to issue a statement declaring that “The president was welcome and would be extended every curtesy. Obama did not mention any of that tension in his statements. The white house emphasized that the visit will not be about politics but about “consoling the families of those who were so profoundly affected by that
So the first question to tackle is whether Obama decided to go to Oregon with the purpose of advancing his gun control policy or intending to give support to the victim’s family. Before we take this question we have to understand that there is no way to truly know what the motives of his visit, being that he has a team that suggests ideas and actions to the president, so this trip could be someone else’s idea. However let’s look at the facts so that we can draw an educated guess.
After the College shootings Obama declared "I've got very strong feelings about this because when you talk to the families you are reminded this could be your child ... or your mom or your dad or your relative or your friend," I believe that Obama genuinely cares about stricter gun control laws and he thinks that stricter gun laws could have saved all these lives, thus Obama is going to try to advance his gun-control agenda because he believes that this is a way to support the families by ensuring that this incidents do not happen again.
Pretty straight forward isn’t? This makes us wonder why a large part of the media covering this event where making a big deal about his “true intentions” many of the right-side media portraying it as if he was a “tyrant” trying to advance his agenda negligently from the victim’s feelings. On the other hand we have the super liberal media that portrays Obama almost like a naïve figure who is in Oregon for the pure purpose of supporting those affected by the horrendous shooting. The truth frequently lies somewhere in the middle.