By going to Stanford to continue her education, bell hooks experienced a different values and beliefs of other people. When bell hooks went to Stanford, she got a culture shock. The students talked bad about their parents and they said that they hated them. The students would complain about …show more content…
By continuing her education bell hooks was introduced into the academic circle. Bell Hooks would present various speeches at colleges and different events. When bell hooks was at Northwestern University giving a speech on “Gender, Culture, and Politics” she spoke in laments terms so that everyone could understand her. By speaking in laments, terms her academic colleagues questioned her intelligence and pondered if bell hooks should still be considered a intellectual. The academic society did not like the fact that bell hooks wanted everyone to understand what she was saying; they wanted the speech to be focused on them only. Bell Hooks was not the type of person who just excluded everyone from her because of their intellectual standing. Bell Hooks embraced her community, both academic and non-academic people. “Concurrently, the use of language and style of presentation that alienates most folks who are not also academically trained reinforce the notion that the academic word is separate from real life, that everyday world where we constantly adjust our language and behavior to meet diverse needs. It is a false dichotomy, which suggests academic and/or intellectuals can only speak to one another that we cannot hope to speak with the masses.” From this experience bell, hooks became a rebel to the intellectuals. Throughout