
Argumentative Essay On Bigfoot

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Caden Skipper

In American legends since the early 1900s, there has been myths and fables about a creature that roams the forests of the United States and even sightings in Canada. The native name for it is Sasquatch (Shone, 2006, p. 2). People that have claimed to have seen it describe it as a muscular ape-like body, large, about six feet nine inches tall, and covered in hair that is black, dark brown, or even reddish. Huge footprints that have been recovered have been claimed to be as large as 24 inches long and eight inches wide (Theisen, 2011, p. 5). Which is why it is notorious for the name Bigfoot (Shone, p. 2).
Because of the number of eyewitnesses across the country, there must be substantial evidence that one does exist. However, scientist do not recognize the existence of Bigfoot. They consider it to be mainly a combination of misidentification or hoax, rather than an actual living
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Believers say that Bigfoot is rarely seen because Bigfoots only live where humans do not exist. Many people will say that we have explored all of the forested areas on the entire earth, but in reality there is still about one-third of the forest on the earth that we have not explored (Animal Planet, 2014, p. 4). Another reason that people believe it exists, even though it has never been caught, is because they only come out of their hiding spot when they are looking for food or they are threatened. Bigfoots are also claimed to a very smart animal, and are always watching people and what they do. Like some people will go out and set up traps or cameras in the woods that will record at night. Chances are they will not see a Bigfoot on the camera. The reason is that Bigfoot probably seen them put the camera up, or he even smelled the scent of the human. So a Bigfoot would not go near that part of the woods. This is why Bigfoot are hardly rarely seen (Animal Planet, p.

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