Blackholes can vary in sizes. Some scientists think that blackholes can be as small as an atom. And scientists believe that the smallest …show more content…
When the center of a very large star collapses, it creates a stellar blackhole. When this process occurs , it causes a supernova. A supernova is a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of the catastrphic explosion that ejectsnmost of its mass. Scientists also think that when the galaxy was made, supermassive blackholes came into existence.
Even though you can not see blackholes, scientists still find ways to find them. Scientists can find them by observing the stars and gases. Strong gravity form blackholes affect how stars and gases act. Scientistls can also study stars to see if they are orbiting a blackhole. High energy light is created when a blackhole and a star are close together. Since this kind of light cannot be seen with the human eye, scientists use satellites and telescopes in order to see the light that was created.
Believe it or not, but it is not possible for the earth to fall into a blackhole. There are two reasons. One, because blackholes don’t just go around and eat moons, stars, and planets. …show more content…
If black holes collide or submerge, huge amounts of energy are released and the blackholes would become one large blackhole. Also black holes can’t get full, but they just grow bigger and bigger as they absorb matter. Scientists discovered that if it was possible to put a clock very close to a blackhole, you would be able to see that time slows down. If the matter that is being sucked into a blackhole is as fast as the speed of light, it can get out, but the matter that is being sucked into the black hole is not likely to be as fast as the speed of light. Finally, any type of matter can become a blackhole. Stars aren’t the only thing that can become a black hole. For example, according to , if your keys were shrunken down to an to an infant testimony small and would still retained all their mass, their density would reach astronomical levels which would make the force of their gravity ridiculously