
Argumentative Essay On Firefighters

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On September 11, 19 people from from the Islamic extremist group, Al-Qaeda, hijacked four planes and did the unthinkable. They flew two planes, one for each tower, into each World Trade Center. These attacks caused a lot of death and destruction. On a beautiful Tuesday morning, the city of New York was woken up by one plane striking the north tower of the World Trade Center, near the 80th floor trapping hundreds of people on the above floors. It left a gaping hole in the side instantly killing anyone who was near the 80th floor. This was very bad because anyone above the 80th floor would be trapped and it would be very hard for rescuers to get to them. This attack on America left the whole nation scared for their lives. Many children left mother and fatherless, others didn't know where to go or what to do, our whole nation was in a panic. But, …show more content…

For them to give their lives to save another is truly amazing. Being a policeman, firefighter or even a volunteer, you have to be a very selfless person. Going into either tower knowing you might not come out, it takes a different person to know that and still go in. I would want to be a policeman during this time because, I love giving my time to others. I love helping, especially if it means saving the life of another. I would like just being there for the people who are hurt. I would rather go into that tower and not come out than a lot of other people in there and for them not to come out and be with their …show more content…

I would want to be in the building during this, because I want to be trying to find the people who are hurt and trying to help them. One of my natural instincts is to help others, and if I was a policeman during this time, I would have done everything I could to save

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