Staff may try to help with activities, games, trips, socials, and entertainers, but some people never leave their rooms to participate. In most facilities, there is no activity that goes room to room seeing if they would like to participate. There is not enough time to do so. Pet assisted therapy, however can do that and be successful in a one on one basis and encourage people to interact if they normally would stay away from the activities planned. The staff is a great source of interaction but many still feel lonely in those situations with no family or old friends. Loneliness is a huge problem in nursing homes and assisted living facilities around the country. Pets can be used to help people with social interactions with many activates that the facility has
Staff may try to help with activities, games, trips, socials, and entertainers, but some people never leave their rooms to participate. In most facilities, there is no activity that goes room to room seeing if they would like to participate. There is not enough time to do so. Pet assisted therapy, however can do that and be successful in a one on one basis and encourage people to interact if they normally would stay away from the activities planned. The staff is a great source of interaction but many still feel lonely in those situations with no family or old friends. Loneliness is a huge problem in nursing homes and assisted living facilities around the country. Pets can be used to help people with social interactions with many activates that the facility has