“It’s just extremely disappointing and aggravating to have paid all that money and have nothing to show for it other than debt.” proclaimed Michelle Polyakov, an English graduate from Drake University. Polyakov obviously feels that college is not worth the cost and that all someone has to show for the education is debt. College has been deemed, by some, that it is not worth the cost because of the financial loss, the future job security, and the need for “blue collar” jobs. Finances, job security, and the need for manual laborers are all major factors in the debate of college and its cost. The reason being is because not all people are meant to go to college, or their situation just isn’t ideal. College is a privilege, and not every job requires you to have a higher form of learning, but most do. By viewing the debt of a student after graduation, the job security of graduates, and the need for manual laborers, one can infer that college is not worth the cost.…
I believe the greatest obstacle facing our generation is how to pay for college. The soaring costs and confusing financial aid systems are a hindrance to receiving an education, and it crushes those who do graduate with student loan debt that affects their life choices years after college.…
In the Huffington Post they say that college is not worth the debt that you come out with, many people think that college is a waste of time and you come out with more debt than you will be earning in your year salary. Well they are wrong, yes you come out with roughly $24, 804 in debt of student loans for the average person getting a bachelor’s degree. You will start out $66, 200, that is $26, 150 more than someone with a high school diploma would earn in one year. Even if you paid off your student loans in that one year with $66, 200 you would still make more money in one year, while paying off all your student loans in one year, than someone with no student loans and only a high school diploma. So you tell me which sounds like a better option, making $41, 396 and paying off ALL student loans and still make more money than someone with only a high school diploma, or only making $40, 050, not paying loans? Personally…
If one looks at the data, the bigger problem is that many students don’t finish college. “Only about 55 percent of students graduate six years after starting,” Bob Luebke (a writer for the Civitas Institute.) The problem is not access but completion. So why do people drop out of college? For the most part, money is not the biggest problem; it’s usually factors like family issues, or transportation. Providing free tuition to institutions that graduate only a small amount over 50 percent of their students does not make economic sense. Also, if college tuition does become free for students, colleges will attract more young people who are not suited for college and will most likely drop out as well as more students that will major in fields with little or no market…
When it comes to your junior year of high school the topic college starts to appear in your conversations more often. You start to think about what college you want to attend and then soon enough you start the application process. Some students have the grades and funds to venture off into the collages they want. On the other hand, there are some students who start their college experience at a community college because they don't have the grades or funds to venture off to their dream college. To some, community college is the way to go to get their grades up to par with their dream schools standers or until they have enough funds to attend their dream college. Community college, in some cases, may be a benefit to their students, but in…
Whenever someone hears about something being free, they either become interested and accept the free item or they become skeptical about, deciding whether or not it’s a scam of some sort. The idea of having community college be free has been in debate for quite some time. So, should community college be free? I believe it should not, however, the costs of colleges should be lowered in order to accommodate for the needs of the student.…
Peering into an 8:00 am class full of freshman college students, many observations can be made. There are students with their heads down, (obviously still listening to the professor) students with their pencils racing, students with their minds wondering, and students with their attention to the teacher. As one might note, not all students have their mind focused on what they paid for. Some people go through college as a party or just because it’s become one of societies “norms”; others have a set goal in mind. However, if used to its best ability, college allows one to gain an advantage over high school diploma holders, by attaining the knowledge, skillsets, and tools to achieve or explore their career goals.…
College debt is a nation-wide phenomenon that many Americans face. Unfortunately, this country is facing over 1 trillion in student loans from dropout students or graduated students who owe money from their years of education. The financial crisis has caught many Americans by surprise and this problem will only get worse if this trend continues. Despite the fact that college debt is increasing, fortunately there are several solution to this problem.…
Many people in the U.S. have different views on whether college education is worth it. To some people college education is the gateway to a better life and a future but, to some they are able to become successful without a college degree. A degree from college shows how intelligent that person may be. It may also show how wealthy and elite they are. As for people without attending college demonstrate how uncivilized they are. Or so they say. Some degree pays for themselves off some don’t. The debate over if college education is worth it may have begun when the colonialist arrived from Europe and founded “New College” in 1636. People who argue that college is worth it contend that college graduates have higher employment rates, bigger salaries, and more work benefits than high school graduates. They say college graduates also have better interpersonal skill, live longer, have healthier children, and have proven their ability to achieve a major milestone. People who argue that college is not worth it content that the debt from college loans is too high and delays graduates from saving for retirement, buying a house, or even getting married. They say many successful people never graduated from college. Colonial colleges were mainly founded and attended by wealthy Puritans, and followed the models of…
Two years of FREE community college! In theory, this sounds like a really good idea, and would give numerous people, who would otherwise not have the option to continue his education, the opportunity to get a good start on his college degree. President Obama has proposed a two year, free community college plan. in his speech given at Pellissippi State College in Knoxville, Tennessee, President Obama stated, a college education should be “as free and universal as high school is today” (Korte). High school is not free. Tax paying citizens pay for children to get a high school education. College should be more affordable for those who wish to pursue a higher education, but the President’s plan will not work; there are too many expenses that would not allow the nation to support every college student who attends a two year college. There are too many questions and concerns about offering two years of free higher education to everyone. College is not for everyone, and certainly will…
The cost of college education today is so high that many young people are giving up their dream of going to college, while many others are graduating deeply in debt “ Bernie Sanders.” Majority of college costs fall between college tuition and fees category.If college is essential for building a career and being a full participant in our democracy as high school once was, shouldn't it be free, paid for by public dollars People believe that colleges are a place to learn and students cannot do so if they cannot afford it. College tuition should be free because to lessen student debt, lower dropout rate, and help graduates be successful. .…
This legislation Bernie Sanders is attempting to pass is attracting countless young adults that are striving to get an education, which creates this topic to be extremely controversial and popular within both the Democratic and Republican population in America today. “The bill would eliminate the $70 billion dollar tuition costs at all 4-year public colleges and universities” and “lower interest rates on federal student loans, give graduates a chance to refinance existing loans at lower rates, and stop the government from making profits on student loans,” which is basically like hitting the jackpot to all the young people seeking an education, but couldn’t afford to. As simple as it may seem, free college may come with conflict. The conflict…
This year the average college student will graduate with at least $20,000 in student loan debt (College access and success). For years higher education has been worshiped with God like influence as a way to escape poverty and attain a career and live the American life. With the rising college tuitions it has become increasingly harder for the middle class to afford college and reap the benefits. Seven out of ten students, will have a burden over their shoulders for years to come as to how to repay the debt. Debt is no respecter of persons: business owners, single parents, teachers and seniors to this day are still constantly bombarded with debt.…
Financial aid has been an extraordinary tool for my advancement in higher education. Without it I certainly wouldn't be in this class today, that said financial aid is right in the "middle" of being a positive and negative experience in my opinion. It seems like there are so many options for success when it comes to paying tuition, yet that hasn't been the case for me. Every year has been a struggle in some shape or form, and some of the help I did have is no longer available. Quickly, I will discuss what help I receive, my search for help, and my view on tuition.…
Latinos dream of getting that higher education and an advanced degree thinking that there is a promise for a higher paying jobs. But since when did a high education with a degree actually promise such a thing? The pay of a person does sometimes depend on the the type of education they have but what if there was another key factor. Hispanic students who strive to complete college and get that degree are being bombarded with so many obstacles from society. Is paying such expensive costs really helping the latino student in the long run or is it not? Latinos who have that higher education and receive advanced degrees are earning less than a caucasian person. The education right of latinos is greatly endangered by college and the degrees received that continue to fail latinos by not helping them because of the racial and ethnic wealth gap that has been there forever and won’t go away anytime soon.…