In Cynthia Jackson’s words, VP of the divison, he “seems to be an excellent talented manager”. In fact he rather brilliantly coped with the global challenges of his cross cultural and cross continental Unit, fixing the communication issues between
Wagner and the ITC during the critical phase 2 of the third launch. Also managed to convince the ITC technicians to keep on working on the project even after their disappointment arising from the shift in target market.
Jackson managed to give a sound structure to the Filtration Unit business proposals by making them walk through a 3- phase process. In this sense Jackson represented a true element of discontinuity prompting a virtuous circle in the Unit.
In fact she actively took part in the revision of the proposal at each of the 3 phases by challenging the data and helping them through the most critical parts. Specifically, during phase 2 she helped Vyas in exploiting ART’s internal expertise by putting him in contact with other high skilled technicians of company’s different divisions.
The company as a whole has always been committed in supporting innovation through encouraging employees to adopt the “thinker time” culture. ART celebrates the “worth attempts” even if proven unsuccessful. Moreover knowledge sharing is another key point of ART philosophy. It is not uncommon, in fact, that some experts go “on loan” in other divisions allowing for a true transversal cooperation among divisions.
From the forecasts provided by the team working on RIMOS project in Ex 5 we can