I have participated in 4-h since I was nine, being part of such an amazing program has made me who I am today. 4-H taught me how to become responsible, independent, and a leader. 4h has helped me form bonds with people that will last a lifetime.
Responsibility is something every parent wants their child to learn, through 4-h I learned how to take care of an animal, I had to make sure my animal was properly fed and always had water, I was to make sure the environment he was living in was clean and kept the way a human would want it. That animal was my child for the 6 months I had him.
As a nine year old, I was not able to do everything I needed to do to keep my animal alive on my own, but as the years went on and I grew older I was able to become independent and eventually teach younger members of 4-h how to take care of their animals and become independent as well.
4-h has a lot of opportunities that can help you grow, one opportunity that is offered is Junior Fair Board. JFB is a group for 4-h members between the ages of 15-18 who come together as one and run all of the shows and activities that happen