Table of Contents
Introduction - 3 -
Thesis - 3 -
What is Artificial Intelligence - 4 -
History of Artificial Intelligence - 4 -
The Ages of Artificial Intelligence - 5 -
Three Main Barriers to Artificial Intelligence - 5 -
Applications of Artificial Intelligence - 7 -
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - 7 -
Decision Support System - 7 -
Computer games - 8 -
Natural language processing and vision. - 8 -
Economic considerations - 9 -
Table 1. Main effect of robotics and advanced automation (year 2010) - 10 -
Benefits and Detriments to Society- Socially and Culturally - 11 -
Strong Artificial Intelligence - 12 -
Weak Artificial Intelligence - 12 -
Benefits to Society – Psychological - 14 -
Benefits to Society – Ethical - 15 -
Detriments to Society – Psychological - 16 -
Detriments to Society – Ethical - 17 -
The Future of Artificial Intelligence - 18 -
Creative Thinkers and Futurists - 18 -
Ready for some Robots? - 18 -
Entertainment robots: - 19 -
Appliance Robots: - 19 -
Immobots: - 19 -
Assistive Mobile Robots: - 19 -
Humanoids: - 19 -
Expert Systems - 20 -
Quo Vadis? - 21 -
Works Cited - 22 -
A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.
- Steve Maine, “Steve Maine 's Bog”
If one does research on artificial intelligence (AI), they will find themselves inundated with futuristic robots and android like expectations. A more realistic camp that is working on technology that can benefit the consumer or society in the relatively near future will exist in the next 30 to 250 years. We believe the strength of AI lies somewhere in the middle of these extreme boundaries. Without futurists and dreamers, where would the world be today? The commercial airliner, putting a man on the moon, and a network of railroads all would have been thought impossible at some point in history. Inventors, entrepreneurs, and investors put pen to paper, paper to plans, and
Cited: Adams, Tony. "Artificial Intelligence: The Way Forward?" ABI/INFORM Global. (1987): pg. 60-62. December 11 <> Apte, Chidanad, Leora Morgenstern and Se June Hong Aston, Adam, Andrew Petty, Ian Rowley, and Ariane Sains. “Ready to Buy a Home Robot?” Business Week. (2004): pg. 84. July 19 <> Bainbridge, Williams S Bohumir, Stedron. “Forecasts for Artificial Intelligence.” The Futurist, (2004): Vol.38, pg. 24. March/April 2004. <> Bush, C Duffy, G. Political Science: Artificial Intelligence Applications. Syracuse, NY: The Duke University Press. 1995. Goldsborough, Reid. “20-20 vision: Contemplating the Future of Digital Technology. “Office Solutions. (2004): Vol.21, pg. 44. July/August <> Haugeland, John Kurzweil, Raymond. (1992). The Age of Intelligent Machines. Cambridge. MA: The MIT Press. Kurzweil, Ray. The Age of Spiritual Machines. New York: Viking, 1999. Lillington, Karlin. “Computers at language frontier; Xerox has set itself the task of getting machines to understand us and ultimately to think for themselves.” Irish Times. (2002): pg. 56 November 15, 2002. <> Luger, G.F Menzies, Tim. “21st-Century AI: Proud, Not Smug.” Intelligent Systems. 18.3 (2003): 18-24. 01 Dec. 2004. < iel5/5254/27031/01200723.pdf> Peláez, Antonio L