The type of communication that should be used in a business environment should bebased on the objective that is trying to be achieved. When the goal is to communicate generalawareness to a large number of stakeholders, existing and established communication channelsare an effective choice. Communication channels that are commonly used in a businessenvironment are memos, letters, email, instant messages and text messages (Gerson, 2014). Inaddition to these commonly used methods of communication, reports, web sites, blogs,Powerpoint presentations and telephone or face to face communication are used.
The Communication Team will collaborate to identify the best channels forcommunication to each of the intended audiences. The first communication amongst theCommunications Team will occur via email. This email will outline the product details,projected launch date and the goals that R&D has requested the team to accomplish. Once weekafter the email is sent, a brainstorming meeting will be held. In this meeting, the information andgoals will be identified communicated in more detail. Additionally, the team members will beasked for feedback or ideas for helping to improve delivery of the message to all employees andmembers of management. The team will identify the best methods for communication based onthe information that the various employees will require in order to complete their assigned jobduties. According to Caywood and Stocker (1993), the first step is to determine who isresponsible for reaching a particular audience and the appropriate channel for communicating tothat audience. Once this has