Volunteering for an environmental group …show more content…
But volunteering nationally doesn’t have some of the personal and emotional effects on people like local volunteering does. When people volunteer in a local community to help the environment, it impacts people in the area emotionally because of how close to home it is. Volunteering locally is “eye-opening to realize that doing even small things can have a big impact on others” (Bigfuture.org). When you volunteer for your local community to help the environment, remember that its quality, not quantity.
Environmental volunteering locally has many more benefits than national volunteering because it can have more lasting visual effects on the community, as well as create new friendships with people with common interests. Local volunteering can also have benefits to your health and wellbeing. These reasons show that doing small things for a community will make a big difference on the environment, and people. So when you see trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away. Also, when you see a group cleaning up the environment, remember that they are making the world a better place one small step at a