Staff Conduct: The purpose of this policy is to outline the Department of Education’s expectation & requirements for the standard of behaviour of staff at work. It provides instruction & direction for the appropriate behaviour in ethical risk situations and areas. It provides information for staff to recognise their rights, where to go for help in resolving breeches or complaints, their legal obligations and expectations within the code of ethics. It also provides a statement of public accountability for staff.
Child Protection: The purpose of this policy is to state that all staff employed by the Department of Education is committed to the care, safety and protection of children, including factors such as possible sexual, emotional, physical and/or psychological abuse or neglect of a child.
Provides guidelines to aide staff in the correct response to a situation where concern has arisen for the safety & well being of a child or the need for the disclosure of abuse and the actions to take where allegations of child abuse have been made against the staff member.
Duty of Care for Students: The purpose is to provide information to staff of the duty of care imposed by law, to take care to minimise the risk of harm to students. It provides an explanation to what the duty of care means & how staff may act to fulfil their duty of care. It also outlines the situations where non-teaching staff, volunteers or external providers must provide a duty of care. The policy also states the need for staff to have a balance between ensuring safety without interfering with a student’s independence and learning opportunities.
Occupational Health & Safety: The purpose of this policy is to state the Department of Education is committed to providing and promoting a safe and healthy working environment for staff and students. It provides