Equality’s eventual assessment of his sin is correct because by the end of the book he has more experience with these sins. He has gone to the uncharted forest, read books from the past and shared his own feelings with no harm. When Equality meets Liberty he starts having feelings that he never has before. He also discovers light from a wire on his own without his brothers. So he starts to question why the society does consider these things sins, when they cause no harm to himself or to Liberty. When Equality wakes up the first morning in the Uncharted Forest he feels relief that he doesn’t have to get up because “...we remembered suddenly that no bell had rung and that there was no bell to ring anywhere.” (78) This is …show more content…
Equality had lived with men his whole life, never being able to interact with women. When he first sees Liberty working in the fields, he is speechless at the sight of her beauty. Since he has been sheltered from feeling anything new, he is overwhelmed with the feelings that he acquires for Liberty. When Equality starts interacting with Liberty he starts to feel happier, which is something he has never been able to experience before. When Equality runs away to the Uncharted Forest, Liberty follows his footprints to find him. Neither of the two want to be apart from each other. He fell in love with Liberty and one day they had their own family. The relationship that Equality and Liberty share is an example of why there should not be a rule forbidding men and women from being