One fall afternoon shots could be heard near an elementary school, housed in the Inland Empire. The gun shots appeared to be coming from the adjacent apartments, which are in close proximity to the elementary school. The adjacent apartment has a history of high gang affiliation, thus resulting in criminal activity. Shortly after the gun shots were heard the local police department contacts the elementary school to lockdown the school site due to safety precaution. The lockdown was to remain in effect until further notice by the police department. During the lock down a police helicopter could be heard circling the surrounding area. All school staff and students were instructed to remain inside the …show more content…
1. Inform teachers, staff, and students there is a lockdown over the school intercom. Following the announcement one long bell would ring. Teachers, staff, and student are advised to lock the door and block the windows. If warranted, teacher have been advised to create a makeshift restroom for students in a location that is private.
2. Send out an email to staff with the intention of providing accurate and current information pertaining to the crisis event. In addition, requesting teacher and staff to call the office to inform administration of any students who are not accounted for, as well as any students who are currently in the classroom but not on their roll.
3. Continue implementing lockdown procedures until the situation has been deemed safe by law enforcement.
4. Initiate student recovery team, which requires a designated team to sweep the campus searching for unaccounted for students. Once located, the students will be placed in the closet safe location. The student recovery team will consist of one administrator and office …show more content…
Generate a parent letter, which will be sent home following the end of the school day. Parent letter will provide a brief over view of the events that transpired. It will illuminate the safety procedures that transpired, as well as provide a contact number should any additional concerns or questions arise. Parent letter will be composed in both English and Spanish, thus ensuring all information is accessible to every family.
7. Follow up with the district office to inform them of the events that occurred as well provide a description of the safety procedures that were implemented. Lastly, generate a draft press release for district approval in the event the media contacts the school site.
8. Debrief with staff at voluntary morning meeting follow the crisis event. In addition, debrief with personnel at the next scheduled staff meeting. Discuss areas of concerns, answer any questions, and praise all staff for a well-executed lockdown.