Assistance given to an incontinent person
Time and date: September 4th 2012 .John is a client where I am doing my work placement in St. Raphaels Centre.
I introduced myself as one of his carers, I made sure he was comfortable, I introduced myself maintaining good eye contact and speaking in a low friendly tone of voice.
I felt that I was able to talk to John and I made sure that I gave him plenty of eye contact while I was talking to him as I was taught that this in my communication training.
I feel that I got a good response as John was chatty, friendly, and appeared at ease in my company I feel that it is important to chat with the individual patients on a daily basis so they recognise and become familiar with their carers.
By being recognizable to John as his carer he feels able to accept help. I had John bend up his knees and then had him reach across his body and roll, I had the rails up so he didn’t roll off and the bed was at a good height so I was at a good working height, I unfastened Johns pad and cleaned the soiled area, I rolled a new pad underneath the old one and removed the soiled pad, I then fastened the new pad.
I have learned that when you pay a person any bit of attention, gaining their trust that this promotes a more positive outcome in caring for John.
I feel that being aware of Johns care plan I can help promote continence and assist him when episodes of incontinence occur. When the situation arose again in caring for John or any other client in my care I would have done my research properly, I would know the clients history, needs and capabilities.
This information I would have gained from his care plan equipping with the knowledge in helping promote continence and making John comfortable in asking for help and relieving stress during periods of incontinence.
I feel that my training as a healthcare assistant is helping me cope with these situations that arise in the workplace. That I will