With the above goal, I feel that it is an important goal as once given a slight insight into what has been taking place at placement one can clearly determine it to be s somewhat of a continuation or an addition to what is already being accomplished and/ or attempting to be accomplished at placement. In terms of “has there been an experience.” From the time, I started at placement I have …show more content…
To make clear, in addition to the overall purpose of learning to use the assistive technology, through the process of learning of learning about such technology the students are learning through demonstration followed by independent use, trial and error, etc., not merely having those teaching do everything, thus, rendering these students capable no matter their disabilities. This a vital theme key for these students but also important to myself given my connection with these students in terms of …show more content…
To explain, ask you like summarizing is an important aspect of the helping interview, a crucial component to the ssw profession. To discuss this even further, I was able to bring an excuse when the helping interview into my field practicum undo this quite, quite nicely Is that although it is a school setting, and atypical ssw setting summarizing is an effective skill and that made you should have it in my field placement.To explain, the clients that I work with paraphrasing is useful to them. what is it is useful to me when people do it for me. How do you explain something to them once and they don't understand, explain it to them again Paraphrase it this time though and if they still don't understand me rephrase that again and again and again until they