McShane & Glinow (2008) have proposed attribution process, a different perceptual activity, helps us interpret the world around us. The attribution process involved deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused largely by internal or by external factors. The perceptual process of deciding whether an observed behavior or event is largely caused by internal or external factors. As Luthans (2008) said, attribution refers simply to how people explain the cause of another’s or their own behavior. There are two general types of attributions that people make: dispositional attributions, which ascribe a person’s behavior to internal factors such as personality traits, motivation, or ability, and situational attributions, which attribute a person’s behavior to external factors such as equipment or social influence from others. Mullins indicates that attribution is the process by which people interpret the perceived causes of behavior. The initiator or attribution theory is generally recognized as Heider, who suggests that behavior is determined by a combination of perceived internal forces and external forces. Attribution theory is intended to help a person understand the causes of human behaviour, be it their own or someone else's. The basis of attribution theory is that people want to know the reasons for the actions that they and others take; they want to attribute causes to behaviours they see rather than assuming that these behaviours are random. This allows people to assume some feeling of control over their own behaviours and over situations. Slocum & Hellriegel said that the attribution process refers to the ways in which people come to understand the causes of their own and other ‘behaviours.
They have the basic criteria in making attributions which is distinctiveness, consensus and consistency.
Distinctiveness- Isn’t the situation is occurring in difference behaviors in difference situation.
Consensus- Is that
References: 1. Campbell & Sedikides,1999. Self-serving Bias. Available from:[Accessed date: 2 march 2011] 2. Luthans, Fred, 2008. Organisational Behaviour 11th. McGraw-Hill 3. McShane, Steven L. and Glinon, Mary Ann von, 2008. Organisational Behaviour, 2nd ed.McGraw-Hill. 4. Mullins, J. Laurie, 2005. Management and organizational behavior.7th ed. Prentice Hall. 5. Smith & Miller, 1983. Available from: attribution error [Accessed date: 2 march 2011] 6. [Accessed date: 2 march 2011] 7. Http:// [Accessed date: 2 march 2011]