“You all look so horribly grim,” she laughed weakly and shook her head. “Stop appearing so guilty.” …show more content…
“I may take a nap.”
“Rest well, hm?” Eos murmured as she stood.
“I’ll try.”
“Good night, Rora,” Edward replied quietly as he watched her; they shared a glance and his stomach twisted.
In the morning, Anna came to check on her fever, only to shriek when the countess hadn’t responded. Aurora hadn’t been breathing, her pulse had faded, and her soul had gone to join Grenth. Edward hadn’t stayed to comfort the cries of those who stayed in the family home. Instead, he left to deliver the message to Rorshak’s abode. It was left in his letter container with only a knock to announce its arrival. The old man hadn’t stayed to chat. Instead, he disappeared down a nearby main road.
My Darling Beloved,
If you have somehow managed to continue to read this after those three words, I am surprised to know you are not as angered with me as I would have assumed. I understand my placement as damned for eternity for what I have done to you and I must admit to some intention. Your anger has always fueled you forward. For all the strides you have made in realms of benevolence, your anger has offered you freedoms that I do not think your kindness could. It is frightening to have that hatred turn towards me, but that is a fear I chose to live with the past few months. If you will continue to read this letter, I promise it’ll have your explanation, and though I will not ask your forgiveness for much I request you at least excuse this shaky writing. I have …show more content…
I refused to see you lose yourself to that. And perhaps it was not my decision but I don’t think I could handle seeing you die with me, Rorshak. I love you far too much. So I stayed away. At least in the Priory I had access to endless tomes I thought, perhaps, I could find something to act as a cure. Perhaps I could slow it down, but nothing worked. It was only a couple of months ago that I retired my research. I had lost too much strength to continue. The Priory sent me home where I explained what had happened to Edward and Anna. At first, it was argued that I should have let you know then. Cowardice was never a frequent quality of mine, but I suppose I was too scared to ever make that peace with you. If you hated me, you’d move on. If you moved on, perhaps it would allow you to ability to understand in the