spend extra time with their children helping them with their fine motor skills such as; reading, writing, and communication. Sometimes it can be a challenge for these parents because sometimes a child with autism will have a difficult day with no explanation and the child could be very sensitive, so parents have to be extra cautious on the days that autistic children have their episodes. Like many misconceptions that society lays out for everyone, Autism is just one of them. Some stereotypes that society lays out for parents with an autistic child is that their is a “one size fits all” spectrum, the parents do not love their child “just the way they are, or the parents might even put their child in a home that can give them the care the parents may not be able to give to their child. Autism has been referred to as a neuropsychological condition.
According to the article, “What Does the Word Autism Mean?” states, “The word “autism’ comes from the Greek word “auto” which means “self”(WebMD 1). What the meaning of autism basically comes down to is “isolated self” because many autistic children and adults, but not all, prefer to be by themselves. According to the article, “What Does the Word Autism Mean?” autistic children and adults have little to no ability to communicate(WebMD 2). Reported from the article, Autism through the lifespan, by the Autism Society, states that autism can be detected as early as eighteen months of age, but the best time to start educational programs and therapy is the age of three, because that can cut care cost as the child gets older(Autism Speaks 14-17). According to the article, 10 Things Autism Parents Wish You Knew, by Kristi Campbell states, “Not all autism is the same. Knowing one child with autism doesn’t mean anything really – they’re all so different”(Campbell 3-9).There are different types of severity of autism cases, which are broken up into 3 levels. Many ask whether autism is genetic or hereditary. Autism is passed down through family genetics, but some also believe that environmental factors can be involved(WebMD 2). Now, there is no real cure for autism, but with the help of therapy it can address the key components, which are communication skills, social skills, and learning skills(WebMD 2). According to the
article, Autism Speaks, and the CDC (2014), proposes “About 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder”(Autism Speaks 1). Autism is the fastest- growing developmental disability and about 3.5 americans live with autism.