Louis Huntley III
Author Affiliation
My project is about cross fit I did the goods and bads of doing cross fit. Cross fit is mainly for people who want to be good in every sport or a person who wants to be well rounded in every condition for the body. Cops are the main people who use this workout so they are well rounded for their job. Also this could cause damage to your body so you do not want to use the crossfit workout all the time.
Title of Paper Have you ever wondered if the cross fit work out benefits you in any way. Or does it harm your body in some way? Well that is what I was wondering so I chose the topic cross fit so I could see what it does. Cross fit is a work out that is mainly used for people well rounded in sports or cops. This workout tears your muscles so you can build new muscles to your muscles. This workout is very dangerous if you use supplements as you’re doing the work out. headings :the benefits of doing the cross fit work out.
The benefits of doing the cross fit work out is when you do this workout your muscles tare and it tends to heal and grow back bigger muscle to you body.
: why it is good to do this work out.
This workout is good for you because it uses different techniques to make your body more healthy and it pushes your body to its limits so your body is stronger this workout will help your health a lot.
: the bad part of cross fit.
The bad part of this crossfit work out is if you take supplements when your doing this workout this will push your heart to the top and with a supplement to your heart will push way over the limit causing a heart attack or heart problems.
. 2013 Condé Nast. All rights reserved
. 2013 BodyBuilding.com, LLC. All rights reserved
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